Here goes:
Kristen Tolstrup was a kind of high-level secretary for the ironworks at Hagnes (north of Hedrum and a sort of subsidiary of the Larvik ironworks). He died in 1830 at the age of 77 and was married to Mari Mattisdatter Skoli, who died in 1857, age 75. About Kristen's origins, the Hedrum Bygdebok entry says: "Han var Dansk (fra landsbyen Tolstrup ved Aalborg)"
Kristen and Mari's children are listed as:
1. Line Magreta Tolstrup g. m. Hans Ivarssøn Hagnes
2. Kristen Tolstrup, blev sjømand, døde i 24 aars alder
3. Mattis Tolstrup, blev skipper, bodde i Rekkevik i Tjøllng
4. Maren Petrine Tolstrup, g. m. Jakob Hanssøn
5. Else Katrine Tolstrup, egtet Ivar Nilssøn Gunnerød
Kristen also had another son - before he married Mari - apparently illegitimate, named Per Tolstrup who wrote a book about his life in 1855 (I'm going to see if I can track it down)
The entry reads: "- Hammerskriver Tolstrup hadde før han indgik egteskap sønnen Per Tolstrup, sjømand og skipper. Efter at ha faret tilsjøs i 50 aar bodde han som gammel ungkar fra 1855 av paa Hagnes. Han har skildret sit sjømansliv i en godt skreven liten bok: Peder Christensen's Levnetsbeskrivelse, forfattet af ham selv, efter i 50 Aar at have faret tilsøes fra Skibsdreng og til Skibsfører. Laurvig 1855"
Aine suggested that I visit the Hedrum Historielag - where I can find out more. She also says that it's very possible that because Kristen was a high-level employee, there's probably a lot of information recorded about him - including his date of arrival in Norway. She also says that Danish records are very good and that we should be able to trace his line back further now that we know where to look. She also said that Mattis was a ship's captain and, that being the case, there are likely to be records about the ships he sailed.
There's much more, Dave...but the rest will have to wait until I see you and/or can gather my wits.
So, meanwhile, and after such an amazing few hours of discovery, I felt inspired to walk out to Rekkevik to Tolstrupveien to see what else I could find.

Then, there, off to the right and winding slightly up a hill, was Tolstrupveien. Large granite cliffs loom over one side of the street and the houses, for the most part, seemed turn-of-the-century at the earliest. Up ahead, I saw a house that looked to be - perhaps - the original Tolstrup farm - which turned out to be two houses, side by side built high above the road and to be built, almost, out of the cliff face.

As I was looking around and taking photos of absolutely everything - trees, rocks, dirt, bugs, thistle, the sky, my shoes - (the neighbours must have thought I was nuts), I suddenly noticed the name on the mailbox - MAGNUS TOLSTRUP!

Again, I started to leave, but couldn't quite make myself go - so, I sat down and wrote a (babbling, blithering) note to the house's inhabitants, telling them who I was, who my relations are & asking them to contact me if they are family and are interested. For now, other than camping in their yard, I guess it's all I can do.
Walking away I felt sad; felt some sort of loss...I guess some part of me thought that Mattis would be waiting for me there.
And, by the way, the name of the first photo is "Pilgrimage shoes on Tolstrupveien, Rekkevik, Norway (and the pilgrim in tears)".
Can you imagine coming home to find a note written in a foreign tongue, from a long-lost relative from the other side of the world (where thar be dragons)? Amazing stuff Sandy, just amazing. All those plans you made, all those moments of wondering...it's all bearing fruit!
You want to know something else amazing? That looks like the house my Swedish grandfather lived in in Bunbury. I'm not sure what it is about the picture - it reminds me of my grandparents. I asked my Mum the other day, and she thinks her grandfather (the one who migrated from Sweden) was named Frank Augustson, and apparently he was a ship captain who sailed out here and decided to stay.
Looking at the photos, I wonder what a day in the life of Magnus Tolstrup is like? I hope he contacts you.
Wow.. Just.. WOW. Seriously amazing. You have really hit it rich haven't you? So exciting!
Ok, now I get the fragile thing.
That's all f$%^#ing amazing!!
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